Coastal Wave Simulation Workshop HAWASSI-VBM



n the first half of 2015 the new software package HAWASSI is scheduled to be released to the coastal wave modelling community. A major part will be freely available; advanced options will be restricted to a licensed version.
The workshop is intended to get direct feed-back from participants about the performance and presentation of the software. After a short introduction the participants will start to evaluate test cases under guidance of the developers of the software. Participants can also bring their own coastal or harbour problem to test or compare simulations with HAWASSI. Read the full announcement of the workshop here.

The workshop was organized by LabMath-Indonesia for two sessions: 15-17 December 2014 and 12-14 January 2015 at LabMath-Indonesia’s office in Bandung. The first workshop was attended by 5 people from 3 institutions, and 5 people from internal of LabMath-Indonesia. The second workshop was attended by 10 people from 9 institutions, and 8 people from internal of LabMath-Indonesia.




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